The Full Monty Of Disclosures

 I’ve spent more time writing disclosures… (still under construction)

Personal Statement or Whatever
I’m not here to judge anyone or anything – although I might review some things. My opinions are my own and just that. If I am ever paid to give my opinion (that would be amazing), it will always be honest. I will never share something as “information” unless I am absolutely sure of it’s truth. If I do mistakenly share something without a source or the wrong source or you know it to be false CALL ME ON IT. Please. But, please PLEASE don’t be a dick about it.

I respect everyone until they give me a reason not to. I am a real human and I don’t have a lot of patience for jerks so…

I’m trying super hard to just be my authentic self and get along in life without being full of shit and participating in all the negative chaos. I just want to grow stuff, make pretty things, take pictures and contribute to the world without necessarily being ‘in the thick of it’ every day. And still, you know eat and pay bills. Have you looked at your gas or water bill lately?! Wow. So, that’s me.

Legit Business Information:
It’s challenging to know what’s real on the internet sometimes. You think you’re buying from a legit company and they do send you something but it’s the wrong size or colour and you go to complain and they tell you they can refund a tiny amount of the cost IF you send it back which will cost a small fortune. They are counting on the fact that you won’t bother. That’s one example anyway. I just want to assure you that I am real.

I do have a home business license as a manufacturer and wholesaler, which includes selling by mail order. I will note where any product I sell is shipping from in that product’s description. Some items will ship from me directly, some are shipped by vendors straight to you it depends on what it is or if they have order minimums.

Like I said in the side bar, building an empire is a lot of work! I had no idea when I started… Anyway. I have a GST number and all that jazz. If you purchase something in the store, it’ll come up on your receipt.

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This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

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