What Does That Even Mean?

Mostly Suburban:
Okay totally suburban for now. Currently situated in Calgary, AB in the ‘burbs; with eyes, heart and soul firmly planted and ready to cultivate bliss in whatever space life brings us. When we picked this house it was with the expectation that we’d have enough space to build a craft studio and start a market garden / small micro-greens business, and grow from there. That isn’t working out exactly as planned.

Lessons learned: 
Sunshine hours count. A LOT. Obviously.

We needed out of our last rental so badly. It was a perfect space to build a garden. HUGE open space to grow. Unfortunately it was a tiny duplex and the new owner next door spent months renovating every single day.  We fought to get out of our lease early because I couldn’t work, I couldn’t write. I couldn’t think. I was not of sound mind. I was spending hours in the garage just to get away from the constant noise. We started looking as soon as the owner agreed. It’s all good, we still text at Christmas.

New house: I got sucked in by the small forest of evergreens. Firgus, Firnando and friends took our breath away. The back yard lives mostly in darkness. They aren’t the problem, I’m totally happy to grow in raised beds. It’s where the house is situated in relation to the Sun. There are almost no spaces that get more than 2 hours of direct sun. So, this year (2022) I’m planting in the front and on the driveway, and planning for shade. Totally outside my comfort zone because there are people out there. Don’t care. It’s happening.

The craft studio is FINALLY looking like a place to work rather than a storage room to organize and our indoor garden is forever a work in progress.

“Do what you can with what you have” – one of the many whispers I hear when I’m feeling defeated. 

Hobby Farm & Market Garden Initiative:
For years I’ve felt a pull I can’t ignore to have my hands in the soil. To learn to grow food and medicine. To eat what we grow, collect seeds, grow more. Share the surplus. Give to my family and friends, collect their seeds. Grow more… Give back. Serve humanity “they” say. How do I serve humanity if I have a hard time hanging out with humanity?! How can I support myself and “live a life of service”?

“You grow. And you remember who you are.”  – more whispers...


For now, I just need to go let someone else’s ideas take over for a while and settle in to a movie.