Day Four: Go Outside

Today has been non stop thinking about stuff I should be doing before I even got out of bed. I truly believe the biggest reason I take so long to get something done is that I overwhelm myself with too many things and shut down completely. Off or on. There is no middle speed. It’s a thing. A friend once told me my focus needs more focus. No kidding.

This is one of many reasons I love working with plants. It’s like a time bubble forms around me. I love it. I feel the same way in the middle of the week outside. There are small pockets of time here in the ‘burbs in the middle of the week where there are no kids torturing each other playing outside, no $#!% leaf blowers or snow blowers running, construction sounds and traffic just stop. This is where I find peace. If all else fails, headphones.

I let noise and heat get the better of me last year. Our garden suffered for it. I suffered for it. I’m sure we both did. I haven’t gone anywhere in two years because all the insanity “out there”. I’m a home body anyway but not wanting to be out in our own yard was… It sucked. Onward and upward they say… At least outward. That’s a word right?

Anyway, like the title says… Imagine what you can do just by showing up. My inspirational thought for the day.