Day Four: Go Outside

Day Four: Go Outside

Today has been non stop thinking about stuff I should be doing before I even got out of bed. I truly believe the biggest reason I take so long to...Read More
What Does That Even Mean?

What Does That Even Mean?

Mostly Suburban: Okay totally suburban for now. Currently situated in Calgary, AB in the 'burbs; with eyes, heart and soul firmly planted and ready to cultivate bliss in whatever space...Read More
Third Blog Post

Third Blog Post

Testing if I want the width or not. If I make a square image it's going to get all weird and stretched out on the single page... hmm this is...Read More
Day Three

Day Three

Still testing out different layouts. Also, what is the best size for a feature image to look good on all devices and where does the crop lay? I also ripped...Read More
Day One

Day One

Determining whether I actually like the way single posts look in the different devices. Also learning about the Cynics and Stoicism, that's interesting. I didn't mean to. I changed a...Read More